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Press ReleaseMarch 11, 2022
GameAbove College of Engineering and Technology Students Visit Gulfstream Aerospace for Learning Experience

GameAbove funds trip to Georgia for students to network and have an eye-opening experience

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Students from the GameAbove College of Engineering and Technology spent a part of their 2022 spring break embarking on a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation welcomed 10 engineering and aviation students and its dean, Mohamed Qatu, to its headquarters in Savannah, Ga., for an in-depth facility and aircraft tour.

Students in attendance were Suleyman Abdirahman, Preston Grew, Maks Jurasek, Michael Kowalski, Andrew Millett, Aidon Olligschlager, Abigail Richter, Nea Shaffer, Olivia Tomlinson, and Gabrielle Williams. These students were able to experience the Gulfstream G500 and G600 labs and manufacturing facility and get a sneak peek at new innovations in aviation. Students spent time with Gulfstream engineers and human resources personnel to learn more about internships and careers in aviation.

GameAbove coordinated and funded the trip, including transportation via private jet. GameAbove sees this experience as the ultimate example of what they aspire to do for the students. It is an ongoing focus to provide opportunities for students to explore careers and have moments they would have never imagined.

Suleyman Abdirahman, a senior majoring in electrical engineering, emphasized how the trip meant much to him as he explored his post-graduation career options. “As an engineering student, it was wonderful to tour Gulfstream’s research & development lab,” said Abdirahman. “To travel in the Gulfstream G650ER and then to see how the masterpiece is developed and assembled was inspiring.”

Nea Shaffer is also a senior working as a part-time airline fleet service clerk while completing her degree in aviation management. “There was so much to learn and take away from this trip,” said Shaffer. “To have that in-depth look into how Gulfstream manufactures its aircraft was great. Flying in the jump seat and seeing the takeoff from Willow Run was a wonderful experience, and I appreciate the opportunity given to me.”

The trek to Gulfstream will not be the last trip of this kind. The GameAbove College of Engineering and Technology is dedicated to connecting its students with leaders in S.T.E.M. (science, technology, engineering, math) industries – such as automotive, unmanned aerial systems, and sustainability.